To find out how to do that, check the guide below.
What to do if Edge won’t open with the built-in administrator account?
The solution for this problem differs according to you Windows version. If you don’t know you Windows version, press Windows key

Solution for Windows 10 Home users
If you are a Windows 10 Home user, you’ll have to modify some keys in Registry Editor. To do that, follow the steps:
1. Press Windows key

3. In the right panel you will see a FilterAdministratorToken DWORD. Right-click it > Modify and under value data set it’s value to 0. If it’s not there, you will have to create it by right-clicking on an empty space
4. After that, navigate to
5. You will see a key nammed Default. Right-click it > Modify and set it’s value to 0x00000001(1) and exit
6. Now you may have to change the UAC (User Account Control Settings). Type UAC in Windows search box and hit Enter.
7. A new window will appear. Move the slider on the left to the third option from the bottom or second option from the top
8. Restart your PC.
After the restart, everything should be okay and Edge should open without any problem.
Solution for Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Education users
For other Windows 10 version, different from Windows 10 Home, the solution is a bit different:
1. Press Windows key

2. Navigate to Local Policies > Security Options.
3. Go to User Account Control Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in Administrator account and double-click it to open its Proprieties.
4. Set the policy to Enabled.
5. Restart your PC.
If for any reason you need to enable or disable the built-in administrator account, type cmd in the Windows search box > hit Enter > in the command prompt window type Net user administrator /active:yes to enable it and Net user administrator /active:no to disable it.
These solutions worked for a lot of users and we hope that they will work for you, too.
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