How to Apply Local Group Policies to Specific User in Windows - Windows Basics


Friday, July 14, 2023

How to Apply Local Group Policies to Specific User in Windows

When applying Local Group Policy to a PC, you may not want it to apply to all users. The answer is to simply apply Local Group Policy to a specific user or group of users. This way, you can control what features are accessible to specific user accounts.

It also makes it easy to apply and modify controls and interfaces for individual users, and you'll quickly see which policies apply to which users. Here's how to apply Local Group Policy to specific user accounts on Windows 10 and Windows 11.

What is Local Group Policy?

Group Policy is a Windows feature that gives you more control over what user accounts can do and have access to. Changing the group policy changes the way the system works for different groups of users.

How to apply Local Group Policy to specific user accounts

First of all, you must have a Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise or Education edition to access the Local Group Policy Editor. Here's how to set up what's known as the Microsoft Saved Console (MSC) for a specific user.

1. Press Windows Keys + R, type mmc in the box and press OK. This will open the Microsoft Management Console. You will see a UAC prompt. Click Yes.

2. In the Microsoft Management Console window that opens, go to File > Add/Remove Snap-in.

3. Find and select Group Policy Object Editor; click the Add button to add it to the Selected snap-ins panel; and click OK.

4. Next, you will be asked to select a Group Policy Object. Click Browse.

5. Switch to the Users tab in the pop-up window.

6. Select the user account for which you want to create a custom Local Group Policy, and then click OK.

7. Click the Finish button, and then on the Add or Remove Snap-ins window, click OK at the bottom right.

8. Group policy for the specific user will appear in the console window.

9. Go to File > Save As and select the location where you want to save the MSC. You can rename it here.

10. When you're done, click the Save button.

You have now created a user-specific MSC Local Group Policy. Whenever you need to configure a policy setting that applies only to this specific user, double-click the file you just created and make the policy changes you need. Don't forget to save the panel settings when done.

By using Local Group Policy, you have greater control over what functionality you give to a particular user or group of users. A simple change at this level can make your job much easier when it comes to applying restrictions and giving freedom to Windows users.

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