How to Clear RAM Cache in Windows 10/11 - Windows Basics


Friday, June 23, 2023

How to Clear RAM Cache in Windows 10/11

RAM cache provides quick access to frequently used PC data and increases system response speed. But how does it work and how do you delete it?

Today's article will look at how RAM cache works, the pros and cons of periodic cache clearing, and more.

What is RAM cache and how does it work?

RAM cache refers to the part of a computer's random access memory (RAM) that is used to store frequently accessed data. It acts as a buffer between the processor and slower storage devices, such as hard drives or SSDs.

Its main purpose is to speed up data retrieval and improve overall system performance.

It should be noted that RAM cache is volatile memory, meaning its contents will be lost when you restart your PC. In this case, the data must be fetched from the storage device and stored in the RAM cache on reboot. But the good news is that the whole process is usually quick!

Here's how RAM cache works:

  • Retrieve data: When your PC accesses data from a storage device, the data is initially loaded into the RAM cache through a process known as caching. The cached data is then ready for quick access by the processor. This eliminates the need to fetch data directly from the slower storage device each time it is requested.
  • Cache Algorithms: RAM cache uses various algorithms to determine what data should be stored in the cache and how long it should be stored there. In most cases, these algorithms favor frequently accessed or recently accessed data.
  • Cache management: RAM cache management is usually handled by the operating system or caching software. The system monitors data usage patterns and automatically adjusts cache content based on demand. For example, the system may sometimes clear rarely used data from the cache to make room for new data.

Is clearing RAM cache the same as freeing RAM?

Clearing RAM cache is different from freeing RAM. Although both actions are related to memory management, they target different aspects.

Clearing RAM cache refers to emptying the frequently accessed data storage cache in your computer's RAM. But then clearing RAM cache doesn't directly target or free up memory occupied by active processes or data.

Meanwhile, freeing RAM refers to freeing memory occupied by inactive or unused processes and data. This allows the system to have more memory to perform new tasks.

So, what if cached data takes up a lot of space on your RAM? Will deleting it not free up your RAM?

In general, the amount of space occupied by cached data in RAM is usually small. Remember, the purpose of RAM cache is to store frequently accessed data for fast retrieval. And it is true that this data type does not require a significant portion of available memory.

How to clear RAM cache on Windows

1. Restart the device

A person is using a Windows device on a desk

Restart your Windows device and all RAM cache will be gone. But why?

When you restart your computer, the operating system will shut down all processes and services, including those that are using RAM cache. Thus, the contents of the cache are discarded and the RAM is effectively cleared.

2. Delete temporary files

Here’s another easy and effective method!

By deleting temporary files, you’re removing unnecessary files that accumulate over time. This includes data that may be stored in the RAM cache.

Here are the steps for deleting temporary files on your Windows device:

1. Press Windows Key + R to open the Run command dialog box.

2. Type %temp% and press Enter to open the "Temporary files" folder.

3. Press Ctrl + A to select all the files and folders in the "Temporary files" folder.

4. Next, press the Delete key or right-click on the selected items and select Delete from the context menu.

From there, follow these steps:

1. Press Win + R to open the Run command dialog box.

2. Type temp and press Enter to open another "Temporary files" folder.

3. Delete all the files in this folder.

Next, empty the Recycle Bin to permanently delete the temporary files. Finally, restart your device to save these changes.

3. Using third-party tools

You can also clear the RAM cache using a third-party tool like Wise Memory Optimizer.

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Download and install Wise Memory Optimizer.

2. Run the tool and click the Optimize drop-down menu.

3. Select Emply Standby RAM from the options and follow the on-screen instructions.

The best part about this tool is that you can also use it to free up RAM. To do that, apply the previous steps and select Free up RAM from the Optimize drop-down menu.

Note: It is important to download tools like Wise Optimizer from reputable sources and use them with caution. Always ensure compatibility with your system and follow the instructions provided on the tool.

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